Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ham, Broccoli and Spinach Quiche

Quiche to me has always been one of those things that sounded too hard to make......I'm here to tell you, it's not! It is super simple.
As always, I don't have a recipe I followed. So I'll just walk you thru it.....

I bought premade pie crusts.....

I had left over ham so I diced it up
diced up some green onions
steamed some broccoli and then cut them up a bit smaller
cut up some spinach
cut up some cheese....I would recommend you actually shred the cheese, however I have this weird thing about not wanting to dirty my dishes right out of the dishwasher...I like to at least put them away first...it's odd, I know. You should shred it, forget about my issues, shred the cheese

put it all in a bowl and mix it together

put it into the pie crusts. I had planned to only make one quiche, but I had enough filling to make two, which was a good thing as my SIL brought a friend for dinner.... I put parm cheese on one and then decided it would be better to add the parm cheese to the eggs...oh well...live and learn

Then I used the same bowl to mix the eggs and milk in. I used a dozen eggs for these two quiches, however, I used 4 full eggs and the rest I used egg whites (just to take out some of the fat), I also took the time to take out all those yucky white things attached to the eggs, you know what I'm talking about....those gross me out, so I remove them...blah, gross.

To the eggs I add milk, fresh cracked pepper, sea salt, parm cheese and dried thyme...mix them up...as you can see my little man likes to do the mixing for me...

Add the egg mix to the pie crusts
the little man also topped it with tomatoes to make it look nice
You can see I put them on baking sheets.....I would say do this before you start filling them...unlike me....I did manage to not spill any amazingly

Put them in a 350 oven until they are set in the middle as in they don't 'jiggle' in the centre

Then enjoy the yummy yummy quiche...I had no left overs from this meal!

I also threw together an apple crisp as per my SIL's request! I'll share that yummy and super easy treat later!


  1. That looks so good! There is so much healthy yummy goodness in there!

  2. I LOVE quiche!!! And, it one of those kinds of dishes that my kids love too...and where I can disguise tons of spinach and onions without them really noticing. :) Yours looks AMAZING!!

  3. oh...and I TOTALLY know what you mean by those yucky white things attached to the eggs....the things that look like snot. YUCK! I don't like that either.
